Video de la entrevista de Alfonso Baella en el programa Redes y Poder presentación y análisis entrevista a León Trahtemberg,08-12-2016 en ATV+
Análisis de la educación peruana por León Trahtemberg, PISA 2015, rol del Ministro Saavedra, visión de futuro de la educación en entrevista de Alfonso Baella para el programa Redes y Poder el 08-12-2016
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VIDEO La Voz de Iñaki: El informe Pisa Critica al uso público de las pruebas PISA diseñadas además para lidiar con el pasado más que con el futuro

VIDEO Redes y Poder presentación y análisis #entrevista a León Trahtemberg, 08-12-2016 Entrevista de Alfonso Baella a León Trahtemberg sobre la coyuntura política, el sentido de los resultados de PISA, el rol del ministro de Educación Jaime Saavedra, la promoción de la innovación, y el pacto político por la educación

OECD and Pisa tests are damaging education worldwide – academics The Guardian 06 05 2014 In this letter to Dr Andreas Schleicher, director of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment, academics from around the world express deep concern about the impact of Pisa tests and call for a halt to the next round of testing «We are frankly concerned about the negative consequences of the Pisa rankings. These are some of our concerns»

(Brillante) Yong Zhao: What Brexit and U.S. Election Surprises Can Teach Us about PISA

PISA’s confidence in the predictive power of its assessment also comes from the past. The subjects it chose to assess–science, reading, and math—have long been believed as important for success in life all over the world. They have been the core subject matter schools teach worldwide with the belief that they are essential for living in the modern age. But will these subjects turn out to help today’s fifteen-year olds ten, twenty, or thirty years later? Are they right candidates for all people in the future, or might different individuals need different sets of skills and knowledge?

Does PISA results in reading, math, and science accurately capture the domains of expertise each individual needs for successful participation in the future society anywhere in the world?

PISA not only tries to use its test results in these subjects to predict what skills and knowledge fifteen-year olds will need to succeed in the future, it also disseminates, based on these scores, education policies and practices it believes will equip children with these skills and knowledge. It has the potential to affect the livelihood of hundreds of millions of children, hence the entire world. The consequences are serious. The stakes are so high. Therefore, we must question the quality of the PISA results before eagerly jumping to conclusions. Don’t read too much into it.

España «El fin de la educación no es crear seres empleables, sino íntegros» (César Bona, España) Bona promueve un cambio educativo basado en el aprendizaje competencial, donde se ponga al centro al niño, no las notas ni el currículo educativo ni el maestro. “El fin de la educación no es crear seres empleables. Hay gente que solo piensa que hay que formar para trabajar, pero de lo que se trata es de crear seres íntegros. Cualquier jefe o compañero requiere gente que vea retos en lugar de problemas, que sean creativos, que sepan trabajar en equipo, respetuosos… Todo eso es lo que debe trabajarse.» «Hay que parar de tanto conocimiento e invitar a la reflexión a los niños también y dar importancia a cuestiones como la autoestima. El factor que más influye en el éxito académico es el autoconcepto y las expectativas que tienen los demás de ti. Para formar seres íntegros, el conocimiento es una de las partes que hay que tener en cuenta, pero es preciso educar en la frustración, en la resiliencia, en la autoexigencia, en el respeto a las diferencias… Y todo eso no se tiene en cuenta en PISA».

También en EE.UU. hay debate U.S. Math Scores Fall in Global Rankings

The latest PISA rankings show a decline in U.S. math scores, but experts say that focusing on successes at home may be more important.

While PISA may be a wake-up call for some, for others, like Stanford University Professor Martin Carnoy, the international comparisons are deceptive. Carnoy, who has spent more than 20 years researching international education, says the rise and fall of PISA scores typically has less to do with a country’s education system and more to do with demographic changes. He warns educators and policy makers against comparing countries with completely different populations, cultures, economies, and attitudes toward education.

“The biggest problem is presenting test scores without correcting for social class differences, both between countries and within a country over time,” said Carnoy, “One should be very careful about jumping to conclusions about what these test score comparisons mean: These tests were never meant to be a race, and we weren’t supposed to be the horses.”